Whey Protein Powder & Your Immune System
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Whey Protein Powder & Your Immune System

Nutrition to boost the immune system

A well-balanced diet, which includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, and protein, can help increase your immune function. Some countries have issued nutrition guidelines for the general population and people recovering from viral infections. Health officials have emphasized the importance of adequate intake of dietary proteins. People should consume complete, high-quality proteins (fish, chicken, egg, dairy) in their daily diet. Other important immunity enhancing properties are found in vitamins (Vitamin C, B6, and E), and essential fatty acids.

Role of Whey Protein

Our immune system is made up of proteins. High-quality amino acids in our diet are essential in maintaining immune system cell structure. Whey protein is a well-known, complete protein source that provides all the essential amino acids (EAA's) our body needs. Whey proteins also contain individual proteins such as Lactoferrin and immunoglobulins that have immune-enhancing bioactivity.

Optimize high-quality protein intake during one’s catabolic health condition. Inadequate protein intake can lead to weaker immune function, slower recovery from illness, and loss of lean body mass. The need for more dietary protein is in part because of a declining anabolic response to protein intake in a sick population. More protein is also needed to offset inflammatory and catabolic conditions associated with chronic and acute diseases. According to the experts, the higher dietary protein ingestion is beneficial to maintain body functionality and promote recovery in adults who are in catabolic conditions. The catabolic conditions are situations like acute bed-rest, malnutrition, physical inactivity, and virus infections.

The nutrition guidance for patients infected with Coronavirus (issued by China CDC) recommends patients to take150-200 grams total protein per day (around 1.5-2.0g /kg body weight/day). It is good to have protein from milk and dairy products, especially yogurt. The recommendation of how much dietary reference intake (DRI) for the ill to consume for extra support is 1.2- 2.2g/kg/d. 

Whey protein strengthens cell anti-oxidation

Whey protein also has potent antioxidant activity because it is rich in the amino acids cysteine and methionine. With a high concentration of these amino acids, immune function is enhanced through intracellular conversion to glutathione (GSH). Glutathione is the centerpiece of the body antioxidant defense system that protects cells against free radical damage, pollution, toxins, and infection. Glutathione levels decrease with age and illness. In comparison to other protein sources, whey has the unique capacity to increase glutathione production that leads to improvements in body health conditions.

Bioactive components in whey protein

The biological components of whey, including lactoferrin, beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, glycomacropeptide, and immunoglobulins, demonstrate a range of immune-enhancing properties. 

No one food or supplement will suddenly fend off the disease, but certain nutrients take the lead in helping protect your body from millions of bacteria, viruses, and other germs – and protein is one of them. It has been shown whey protein can promote body health, by binding and inactivating bacterial toxins, inhibiting bacterial and viral adhesions, such as E.coli, and strongly promoting the growth of good bacteria, such as Bifidobacterium breve and Lactococcus lactis. 

We hope you can use this knowledge and these suggestions to be well. This article is for information and education only. Whey protein can help boost immunity but doesn’t mean it can prevent or cure Coronavirus or disease. 

We believe, Fast Protein is a great protein supplement, in addition to your healthy diet, in order to provide a healthy protein intake. Stay healthy and well! 


World Health Organization (WHO): 




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