Difference between Greek Yogurt and Whey Protein Powder
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Difference between Greek Yogurt and Whey Protein Powder

Contrary to popular belief is not necessary for lactose-intolerant consumers to avoid dairy altogether. Greek Yogurt has one of the lowest lactose levels within the dairy family 6 oz of Greek yogurt has about 4 grams of lactose compared to 12 grams of lactose for regular milk. Greek Yogurt with sheep milk has even less lactose than Greek Yogurt made from caws milk. 

However, what you didn't know is that whey protein powder by Fast Protein has only 1.9 grams of lactose per 100 grams of whey or only 0.63 grams of lactose per scoop (34g scoop) for the same amount of 6 ounces. Our Isolate protein, therefore, is 98% lactose-free. 

Further, non-fat Greek yogurt has about 15g of protein per 6 ounces. By comparison, Fast Protein premium whey protein powder has 30g (whey (Isolate) of protein per 6 ounces and less lactose. 

When it comes to protein and lactose, the choice is clear between Fast Protein and Greek Yogurt: 

  • More protein. Kosher Protein Powder has 30 grams of protein per serving,
  • Double the amount of branch chain amino acids (BCAA).
  • 98% less lactose compare to Greek Yogurt.

Unflavored Protein Powder Nutritional Information 1 Scoop has 30 grams of Protein

If you want to benefit from this fermented dairy and probiotics from Greek yogurt, you may mix a serving of our protein into the yogurt for added protein.

Further, when we created Fast Protein we had in mind that not everyone has time to work out every day - thus creating a formula that is for everyday consumption, gender-neutral, and everyone can benefit as well. Easy to digest without any hormones or artificial ingredients. So, go ahead and enjoy!


Fast Protein scientifically formulated to optimize your nutrition and build a strong you

1 comment

  • Great comparison!

    Visda Saeyan

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